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Vehicle Skid Sprayer

VS-160 SS

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Vehicle Skid Sprayer VS-160 SS

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Vehicle Skid Sprayer VS-160 SS

The Chem-Turf VS-160 SS is designed to deliver the ultimate in professional turf chemical application and is available to fit most popular turf vehicles. The low profile 160-gallon stainless steel tank with sump and unsurpassed directional agitation system and a ten-inch lid opening with basket plus anti-siphon fill system provide the foundation for this low maintenance unit. It comes complete with an 8.5 HP Kohler engine and a belt driven high volume centrifugal pump plus manual/electric controls (automatic controls available). The three section stainless steel electric boom solenoids with throttling valves combine with the Chem-Turf 20 ft. level float boom for the very best in chemical application. Many other features suggested by creative superintendents make this unit the most fun to run. Contact Chem-Turf for other features that set this skid sprayer ahead in this field.



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